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I/we hereby relinquish ownership of all chametz and chametz mixtures in my/our possession. I/we authorize Jaime Goldberg or any subsequent agent that she may appoint, to act on my/our behalf for the purpose of selling chametz and chametz mixtures (see definitions below) to a person who is not Jewish for the duration of the Passover Festival. I/we further agree that I/we will keep all the chametz, chametz mixtures, and all cookware, utensils, dishes, and all items used to prepare or consume chametz in a clearly marked and closed or covered area. This contract also absolves me/us of all chametz of which I/we am unaware. For the purpose of this contract, chametz is defined as, but not limited to bread, cakes, biscuits, crackers, cereal, and all other items derived from these five grains: wheat, barley, oats, spelt, rye; that do not carry a kosher-for-Passover certification. In addition, chametz includes all liquids that have ingredients and/or flavors derived from chametz and/or grain alcohol. Chametz mixtures are defined as any substance, be it edible or not, which contains or is joined to any chametz whatsoever.